
Friday, April 26, 2013

Runs, TIU, & things...

I haven't post in a while. Well with all the stuff last week I happen to come upon people dedicating their runs to Boston. A lot of people was doing it on 4/17, which happened to be the day I was going to the gym. So I decided I would do that too. See as I haven't been having great runs even on the treadmill I decided that my goal would be 2.25 miles. I'm not sure what happened, but I actually did 3.42 miles. I was really surprised and I think I got a slight runner's high. Saturday my brother was home for the weekend so he decided to take me on this run he does when he's home. Again I thought I couldn't do it, but actually surprised myself. The uphill portion of my brother's run was a bit challenging. One part my brother was signaling me to stop which I thought maybe because he wanted to ask if I needed a break, but actually his knee was bothering him. I'm glad I have a fit fam. So far I'm 10.1 of 26.2 miles for Boston. Now I'm thinking one day I could try a 10k. Maybe next year.

TIU Bikini Challenge 2013
Here I go again. Got an email about the Tone It Up Bikini Challenge 2013, but wasn't sure if I wanted to do it because lately I've been signing up for things and never completing it, like BBB. Then I starting browsing around Twitter/Instagram and found out that there's a lot of support out there. There tons of TIU members/participants. Great thing about it is its free. So far I've done the Bikini Strap Workout that was called for on Thursday. So here I go again, hopefully I see this through. Lately I've been finding Instagram to be a big help to keep on the healthy track. Seeing people's photos of healthy food or anything health/fitness related has really been a big help. It also make me want to post my healthy eats. Except for when your brother comes home for the weekend and suggests eating Alberto's. Good food, but I gained a food baby out of it. Next time I'm opting for a lone burrito instead of a burrito plate.

I went in to Smart & Final the other day for bananas, but came out with this. It happened to be on sale, so I was like why not give it a try. Another way to feed my Greek yogurt addiction. Very delicious and you can't even tell its Greek yogurt. It taste even better than when I mix a ranch packet with low fat sour cream. Now I'm thinking I could make my own with a ranch packet and some Chobani. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the big Greek yogurt companies start coming out with dips.

Why does the Japanese market have to be so temping. Oh I wished I could have got something, but I had to tell myself "look, but don't touch". Hahaha. The pocky was on sale too.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

YouTuber Sighting at the Gym

I love that I go to a chain gym. It has its downsides, but there's also the positives. Well one many thing is that I can go anywhere. I usually choose where I want to go depending on where I'm coming from or what errands I need to run after. Well today since I needed to go to Trader Joe's I decided to go to gym that would swing me by Trader Joes on my way home. Ok to keep long story short I saw my favorite YouTube singer Jason Chen at gym. I've seen him couple of times before when I go to this particular gym, but its always been random when seeing him. I was trying to run a 5K on the treadmill, but that ended up being a 75% run 35% walk. I haven't run for a few weeks so I should have known it wasn't going to be a good workout. I'm about to leave when I turn my head and see Jason Chen on an elliptical. Basically I hop on another machine to ponder how I was going to ask for a photo. In the end I didn't ask for a photo. I got another workout though. Always good to burn more calories. I saw him leaving, but I was like ehhh never mind. It would have been a hot mess of a photo anyways. All sweaty and stanky. No. lol.

Below is his recent cover of P!nks "Just Give Me A Reason". Everyone should subscribe. He makes covers of popular music and he has great original music.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Weekend Trip to SD

Ok any longer I take to write this post it will be May. The last weekend of March my family & I went to San Diego for a mini vacation, since my sister came back in town. I've been going to San Diego since I was 3, so I've lost count how many times I've gone. I was just in San Diego last September with my grandmother. One of my brother's best friend from college happens to be from San Diego, so my brother has also visited plenty of times. San Diego has always been our to go place for a quick fun vacation. The hotel we've always stayed at is Paradise Point on Mission Bay. Its can get on the pricey side, but its worth it because you can be steps away from the bay. Normally our pit stop before getting into San Diego is another beach city called La Jolla. This time we were hungry before La Jolla, so we decided to stop for In-N-Out in Carlsbad also a beach city. Thanks to the poor iPhone map/Yelp it directed us to the wrong place and In-N-Out wasn't at where they said it was. Though it was a good thing because we stumbled upon this place called Pizza Port Brewing Company. I would put a link down, but google says the site is compromised. Pizza Port is this nice casual pizza restaurant & bar. You walk up to the counter and order. They have a variety of preset pizza and you can also DIY your own pizza. In about 10-15 min your pizza is ready to take to your table. They have a nice selection of beers according to my brother the beer connoisseur. They brew their own beer and also have a selection of local/California beers. The pizza was delicious. We ordered couple a veggie, a combo one, & a garlicky one. If their site wasn't compromised then I could see  the names of what we ordered. I think Carlsbad is going to be our new pit stop before getting into San Diego. I think it would be great one day to explore Carlsbad and see what its all about.

For dinner my brother recommended that we checkout Coyote Cafe in Old Town San Diego because they have great Mexican food. They had a line, but it went quickly. So many different options to choose from, but I decided on the shrimp tacos. I was able to finish my dish because the portions was just right. Some Mexican places I've been to the portions are huge and I could never finish it. Not that I don't mind leftovers, but this place didn't leave me feeling overstuffed trying to finish everything. On my next trip to San Diego I am definitely going back to Old Town to have some Mexican.

The next day we had breakfast at The Mission Restaurant my new favorite brunch spot I discovered last time I went to San Diego with my grandma. They are famous for their pancakes which dominate the menu. They also have Latin style breakfasts and vegetarian options. Only thing they lack is omelets. They do have eggs, but it isn't a big chunk of their menu compared to other breakfast places. The rest of the day was spent at Balboa Park and dinner at Seaport Village. The beautiful pic of the flower was from the The Botanical Building at Balboa Park. Balboa park has museums, gardens, and the San Diego Zoo. Since we've been to San Diego so many years we've already seen much of the touristy things like the Zoo. Though we did want to go to the Zoo to see the pandas, but the $44+ admission was a bit pricey.
The last day (Easter Sunday) we ate breakfast leftovers from the Mission and used up the $20 hotel credit that included in our stay. My brother and I mini golfed, which was probably more fun when we were younger. I think were just not meant to be golfers or have the patience to golf. My ball was flying all over the place and was always passing the 6 stroke limit per hole. I guess golf isn't for everyone, even mini-golf. Tennis is more my thing. For lunch we were trying to go to Point Loma Seafoods which I discovered long time a ago on Rachel Ray's show $40 a day. I totally forgot that some places close for Easter. I should have called first. In the end we just ate some seafood restaurant nearby. I took pics, but I think I already have an overload of food pics. Well I guess you can never have too much of food pics. That's just my opinion. My sis thinks I should be "pics of asian that take pics of food". Haha. Maybe I'll have someone take a photo of me taking photos of food. Below are some funny videos of Asians taking pics or pics of food. I'm not that bad.