
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ugly Sweater Prepping

Found these festive socks in the bargain section at Target. Its my first holiday run so I want do it right and festive. Gotta deck yourself out for a holiday run. Good thing is I can also wear these socks to barre class. Pretty excited for this run. I got family and friends doing it with me so its going to be a fun time. Also the great thing about the run is that it doesn't start until 11AM. No need to wake up at 5AM to make it to a early start time. Only thing I'm missing is the ugly sweater. If I had an ugly sweater its already donated because it doesn't fit me anymore. Glad I wasn't forced to wear ugly sweaters in my teens. I don't think Asian grandmas would consider that as a gift to begin with. There's still time to register for the Los Angeles Ugly Sweater Run before the price increases December 7th. It's also cheaper to register as a team. Some cities have already done the sweater run, but there are a bunch of other cities doing the Ugly Sweater Run on Dec 21.

Fighting my body

Sometimes I feel like we are fighting our bodies. Few weeks ago I finally recovered from allergies. Surprisingly it was a mildly case of allergies. I'm used to sneezing non stop, watery eyes, and the other fun stuff you get with allergies so it was uprising not to get all that. The only downside was that it triggered my asthma and I ended up coughing incessantly during the night. Not really fun when your trying to sleep. After getting better I did a good job on keeping with my workouts, until few weeks ago. I woke up one day with a sore throat again which is a sign that I'm getting allergies. I'm thankful again it's just mild, but again it triggered the asthma and coughing. I think the recently weather changes in LA has gotten to me. I guess that's how end the year with allergies. I've never gotten it one after the other though. I felt like I was getting better after my first allergy so I was getting into a good routine of working out than bam I get allergies again. Oh well just got to roll with the punches. Nothing much you can really do when you get sick. Sometimes I do over analyze to see if I was eating healthy and exercising the past week, but that doesn't really do anything. So its 3-Allergies and 0-Me. KO. After Thanksgiving I felt much better to start running again. Kind of feel like I'm starting back at zero, but I'm glad to be running. I don't want to be running at a snails pace at the Ugly Sweater Run or stopping every 1/2 mile. Hopefully next year I can amp my miles and maybe do a 10K. I still consider myself a novice runner. More than 3.1 miles and I'm done, so when I see people post about their easy 5-10 miles, I'm just just like wow if I could do that one day.