
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I'm not really great at this whole blogging thing. By the time I think about blogging couple if days have passed and whatever I'm trying to post is old. I give props to the bloggers that can blog regularly or even multiple times a day. Hopefully I can at least blog for few times a week. 2013 had its ups and downs just like any other year, but it was pretty fun. I wouldn't have thought I'd be running four 5ks. The Ugly Sweater Run wasn't timed, but it was fun. Running wise for 2014 I hope to do five 5ks and a 10k. I'm not 100% sure about the 10k, but I figure might as well put a goal and aim for it. If I'm not going to do it now I'm probably not going to do it later. My resolution health wise is to better take care of my asthma and make better eating choices. Even though I just have Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB aka exercise asthma) not taking care of it properly caused me suffer from non stop coughing bits when I had allergies. I'm thankful I just have allergies and asthma, but getting it three times between September to December was not a cup of tea. I'd have asthma for like for a few weeks. Get better for few more weeks and then get it again. The crazy drastic hot and cold weather changes really got to me. It's hard to keep up with the workouts when your coughing non stop or you can hardly breath. Then another blow was when my doctor told me I needed to start working out. I was like are you serious I've been trying to. Well when the doc says so they mean business.  I should have at least walked. I'm so used to working out and sweating that ignore good old fashion walking. There were days where even eating was a pain because I'd be coughing throughout the meal. I'm glad that I'm better. Hopefully I don't get allergies as much this year. Eating wise I've realized I've made excuses for my poor choices. I'd tell myself I don't eat fast food everyday like other people. Now I realize my fun size candy here and there plus my occasional fast food run add up. They really add up since I really didn't without much from October through December. 
Ugly Sweater Run LA

That's a funny photo we took at the Ugly Sweater Run. Apparently I think that funny means sticking out my tongue like Miley.

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