
Friday, July 12, 2013

Run Eve Run

I've only been running for a few years, but I still feel like a beginner sometimes. Well one mistake I felt like I made after last years Pasadena 5K was that I didn't keep up with the running. Especially during the summer. After May summer came and it just got progressively hotter and I joined the barre. Well of course I'm going to use the heat as an excuse not to run. So after the Pasadena 5K I ran I told myself I had to keep up with the running. The best way for me to keep up with running is to run more 5Ks. I figure if there's always a 5k to look forward too there's no excuse not to run. After looking up RNR Pasadena & seeing that there's 5K I signed up for it. I've always heard great things about the RNR races, but they are mostly half and full marathons. Glad they have a 5K option. Can't wait to see what music is going to be playing. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cooking With Dog Fan Event

One of my many favorite YouTubers is CookingWithDog. CookingWithDog videos are typically Japanese cusine. I happened to be on the CookingWithDog Facebook and found out they were having a drawing to attend fan event in Los Angeles. I decided to enter, but didn't think I would get picked. Well lucky enough I did get picked. The event was held at TasteMade Studios in Santa Monica July 1. TasteMade is this YouTube channel to has quality informative food/cooking videos. For those who don't know the channel CookingWithDog, she is best known for cooking with her well behaved dog Francis by her side. Francis the dog wasn't there of course, but a stuff dog took his place and Francis's voice double was there. Chef taught us how to make fried asparagus wrapped in bacon and pineapple ice cream which is already a previous video. We got to try both things and they were both delicious. Both recipes were pretty simple too. I can't wait to make some pineapple ice cream soon. Afterwards it was a Q&A so we got to ask Chef some questions. One question that was ask which I wanted to know the answer too was how Francis never moves from the stool. Chef said that there wasn't much room on the stool so Francis couldn't really go anywhere. I think it's also properly trained. Our old dog was full of energy and if I placed it on the counter when I'm cooking it'd probably eat what I was making. Afterwards we were treated with a bento dinner & photo op. I wish I had gotten Chef a gift because she gave each of the attendees a little gift. This was an amazing experience. It's not everyday you get to meet the person in the videos you watch everyday. For anyone that likes Japanese cusine or wants to learn more about Japanese cuisine I would checkout and subscribe to the CookingWithChef YouTube channel.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pasadena Marathon 5K 2013 Recap

Race Swag
My Bro and I. 5K Finishers!
This is my 3rd 5K & 2nd time doing the Pasadena marathon. I haven't done many races, but this is one to remember and a learning experience. First mistake I made was not using my inhaler. I did prep the night before, but I forgot to put my inhaler out where I would remember it. Not smartest idea. I didn't realize this till I was standing in the starting line and had my doh moment. Another thing was the weather. I knew it was going to be hot, but didn't know how I'd be affect by it since I've never really trained in hot weather. That's what I get for not running too much last summer. There wasn't much I could do so I tried not to let it get to me. When I first started running I was doing ok. I got that adrenaline rush of being in the race and I got this burst of energy to run fast. I was good for about 1.5 miles. After passing city hall and passing the 5K sign was when it all went south. My breathing was getting a bit harder and I was not taking the heat. I stopped 3-4 times the rest of the race. I think I should have paced myself better instead of rushing in the beginning. I did finish at 33:24 which was approx 2 min faster than last year, but I felt I could have done better. Just like the Coaster Run I decided that I'd take pictures along the route. Its not everyday you get to run on Colorado Blvd. Obviously the photos I took were in the beginning and not at the end. Even managed to get a selfie in. Haha. Maybe there should be a website for "Photos of Asians who take photos while running".

Overall I'm glad I did the race even though I didn't feel like it was my best. If they decide to have the race in June again, I'm going to really have to think about it. I was only doing the 5K and I couldn't really take the heat. I'm glad there wasn't a full marathon it probably wouldn't have turn out too well in the heat. 6 people were taken to the hospital because of the heat. Craziness. I was looking at the comments on the PM Facebook page and some people were saying that the 5K was really 3.5 miles according to their Garmin. If that is true I guess I get to log extra miles on my Nike+. There's been a lot of complaints about this race. I haven't done that many races so I can't really compare. I'm pretty sure races big and small experience some flaws. I knew this was a smaller race so I wasn't expecting much to begin with, but to run out of medals does suck. The swag that I got was better than last years and I got run down a street where I usually drive, so that that was pretty exciting. To bad I didn't run into RunEatRepeat. I love reading her blog and it would have been cool to meet her. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Yogurt Addiction

I haven't posted in a long time. Well lately I've been discovering new yogurts. First my moms friend gave us some Noosa yogurt to try, which is very delicious. Usually I'm big on the Greek yogurt, but now since discovering other brands I've been having a mixture of regular yogurt and Greek. Another brand I discovered is Muller. My brother says its a German brand, but I guess Quaker brought it to the states. Now I'm seeing more and more different brands. I think the yogurt market is over saturated, but the good thing is that we get a lot of variety now. There's just so many great delicious yogurts out there right now. It's hard to choose a favorite at the moment. Lucky enough I got a coupon for Muller in my Vons rewards. I was able to score 10 at a great deal. I think it was for $0.88. Another time I went to Vons it seemed like all the yogurts was on sale. Right now I've just been a bit crazy about yogurt. Well its actually more like an addiction. I've been eating a yogurt a day. My brother was in NYC few weeks ago and brought me back a Chobani bowl. Hopefully one day I can visit the Chobani yogurt bar in Soho or Chobani will decide to expand in LA.