
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bircher Muesli

Back to eating Bircher Museli. Now that seasons are changing and there are more fruit options I'm definitely going to have this more often. The hard part is that Bircher Museli for one equals Bircher Museli everyday. Not that I mind, but sometimes you crave eggs and toast for breakfast. Also with Bircher Museli you find yourself trying to finish all the fruit in time before it spoils. I tried getting my sis into it, but she's just not having the "mush" as she calls it. I guess Bircher Museli/Overnight Oats is an acquired taste. Initially I didn't like it at first. I'm glad I love it now. Well more like addicted to it. Hahaha. What's not to love its like a healthy breakfast dessert.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Flashback Friday

Listening to my "Pop Fitness" channel on Pandora today I was surprised by some old boy band favorites. Randomly I was played 'N Sync and then Backstreet Boys right after each other. I know back in the day you had to pick a side. You either loved 'N Sync or Backstreet Boys. I was the rare fan that skirted on both sides. Shhh. Backstreet Boys was my favorite band first then 'N Sync. Money wise I sent more on 'N Sync than Backstreet Boys, but Backstreet Boys has a better return on investment. Hahaha. Well Backstreet Boys are still a group, so I don't feel like I wasted any money. 'N Sync on the other hand is a whole other story. Maybe I should have picked a side. At least I'd have couple of dollars in my pocket.


Coaster Run 5K 2013 Recap Part 2 & YouTuber Sighting

Starting of the race with a smile!
Well apparently the 5K and the 10K was not the exactly miles it should have been. It was slightly short, so I guess I technically didn't run 3.1 miles. I knew it was strange that my Nike+ said 3.06 miles. Everyone that participated got free pie. Now thats a plus for running the race. I can't wait to do the race next year.  

After the race my bro's gf and I went to Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner and had their all you can eat champagne brunch buffet. The brunch is only $19.95 and drinks are included. We kinda forgot about the champagne part, but we still enjoyed all the different buffet options. Besides my picture of my plate I guess all the pictures I took of was dessert. I guess I was more concerned about the dessert than the other food. They had a wide assortment of foods. From the fried chicken they are famous for to a carving station with turkey/roast beef. Their omelet station was nice. I love the omelet station because they had some non-standard omelet add-ins. I have never seen a omelet station where they olives or broccoli. Well I'm not 100% sure if broccoli was a choice, but I just remember thinking to myself how broccoli would fit in a omelet. We tried to eat a plate for my brother since he couldn't make it to the race, but we I think the pie we had earlier kicked in so we were super stuffed. Not sure if I ate my money's worth, but definitely worth it since I got a pic with Snoppy.
I love the swag we got in our goodie bags. This is only my second race so I can only compare it to the Pasadena 5K, but the goodies for this race are way better. 
Shirt & Swag
When I was driving home I hit about some traffic. I'm glad I hit traffic because as I was driving home I saw these two guys on the street and I was like wait a sec I recognize them. Of course just so to make sure I'm not seeing things, I turn around and I'm like OMG its YouTubers the FungBros. So basically I stopped and asked for a photo. I'm a big YouTube junkie, so I was super excited. These days I think I'd be more excited to see a YouTuber than an actual celeb.  The FungBros make great videos. Everyone should check out their videos and subscribe. Below is one of their recent videos Boba Life.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coaster Run 5K 2013 Recap Part 1

Boy did I take a lot of pics during the race. Who knew I could run and take pics at the same time. The night before had to sleep much earlier because of daylight savings time. Plus I knew I would have a hard time sleeping, which I did because I was super excited for the race. I think it took me a good 30-45 min of tossing and turning before I actually fell asleep. Also I was paranoid that my iphone wouldn't adjust with the daylight savings so I set an another alarm just in case. I managed to wake up in time and my phone did adjust with daylight savings. I'm not a fan of hot oatmeal, but didn't have much choice since there was no bread in the house. It wasn't that bad though since I added raisins, chia seeds, and crunchy peanut butter. I wanted to leave the door by 6am, but I left a bit after. It wasn't bad since there wasn't any traffic at all. It was only when I got to Knotts that I encountered the parking issue. I guess I should have gotten there by or before 6 am so I wouldn't have hit the traffic for parking, but in the end it was alright. I managed to find parking and made it to the start on time. I really didn't know what to expect from this race seeing as I was having some issues running outside couple weeks before. My main goal was just to finish the race without stopping. I really underestimated myself. In my age group I finished 31 and my time was 30:12. I beat my Pasadena 5K time by 5 minutes. I think I could have shaved off a few minutes if I didn't have to weave in and out of walkers. I didn't think much of till someone posted it on Facebook. There was some complaints of corrals & racing etiquette. I mean its not a biggie since I didn't really expect much from myself, but it would have been nice to make it under 30 min. I'm still surprised at my time. I think it's the race environment it's just gives you this rush. I guess I was just gunning it. I did stop at the water station which is probably where the 12 secs came from. Overall I love this race and can't wait do to it next year. Racing inside Knotts was fun. I've only been to Knotts once when I was little so everything was new to me, well whatever I got to run by. Now I'm trying to find another 5K to do before the Pasadena one.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Coaster Run 5K 2013

5 more days until The Coaster Run 5K. Few week ago I wasn't sure I would be able to pull this off and I'd have to walk part of the way. Doing couple of runs outdoors I was still struggling to get a proper run it. Running at the gym I would get some decent runs in, but always short of the 3.1 miles. This winter was much colder compared to last year. Last year I did a bulk of my training outdoors because the weather was decent. Yesterday finally finished 3.1 miles. I had one of those cheesy I can do it moments. I was surprised because it was in the evening after work.  I feel like this week is my cram week before the a big final. I know I can do it, but to beat my Pasadena Marathon time we'll see. At this point I just want to finish the race without stopping. It doesn't matter if I get smoked by some granny. I'm super excited for the slice of pie we get after the race. I'll have to think of the pie as my carrot, which will hopefully get me through the race. I'm also hoping that Snoopy is at the finish line so I can have a photo op. I guess in past years they didn't really run through the theme park because this year the race goes through the park. After getting more info about the race I just can't wait to go.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Girl Scout Cookies

I was finally able to track down my local girl scouts last Saturday. I got Samoas, Thin Mints, Trefoils, and Tagalongs. I was able to get a sample of Samoas which I never had before. I'm not a big fan of coconut, so I just never bother to try Samoas, but now I'm a convert. Surprisingly delicious. Around cookie season these scouts are everywhere. Sometimes in the most random places. After you bought all the boxes you want you feel bad for having to say no to the scouts that you see. When the girls have a great sales pitch it really lures me in.

Friday, March 1, 2013

RIP Trader Joes Unripened Brie

Trader Joe's Unripened Brie
That picture was taken the evening of February 20, 2013. Obviously there was still a lot of the unripened brie left. Few days ago I went back to get a few more before the month of February was official over and it was gone. There was not a brie left in sight. Well RIP. It was fun while it lasted and I'll just have to ration the two I have in the fridge. Maybe I'll go check a different Trader Joe's this weekend to see if maybe there are still some on the shelves. Hopefully Trader Joe's brings it back one day.