
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coaster Run 5K 2013 Recap Part 1

Boy did I take a lot of pics during the race. Who knew I could run and take pics at the same time. The night before had to sleep much earlier because of daylight savings time. Plus I knew I would have a hard time sleeping, which I did because I was super excited for the race. I think it took me a good 30-45 min of tossing and turning before I actually fell asleep. Also I was paranoid that my iphone wouldn't adjust with the daylight savings so I set an another alarm just in case. I managed to wake up in time and my phone did adjust with daylight savings. I'm not a fan of hot oatmeal, but didn't have much choice since there was no bread in the house. It wasn't that bad though since I added raisins, chia seeds, and crunchy peanut butter. I wanted to leave the door by 6am, but I left a bit after. It wasn't bad since there wasn't any traffic at all. It was only when I got to Knotts that I encountered the parking issue. I guess I should have gotten there by or before 6 am so I wouldn't have hit the traffic for parking, but in the end it was alright. I managed to find parking and made it to the start on time. I really didn't know what to expect from this race seeing as I was having some issues running outside couple weeks before. My main goal was just to finish the race without stopping. I really underestimated myself. In my age group I finished 31 and my time was 30:12. I beat my Pasadena 5K time by 5 minutes. I think I could have shaved off a few minutes if I didn't have to weave in and out of walkers. I didn't think much of till someone posted it on Facebook. There was some complaints of corrals & racing etiquette. I mean its not a biggie since I didn't really expect much from myself, but it would have been nice to make it under 30 min. I'm still surprised at my time. I think it's the race environment it's just gives you this rush. I guess I was just gunning it. I did stop at the water station which is probably where the 12 secs came from. Overall I love this race and can't wait do to it next year. Racing inside Knotts was fun. I've only been to Knotts once when I was little so everything was new to me, well whatever I got to run by. Now I'm trying to find another 5K to do before the Pasadena one.

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