
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

BBBC Week 3

Yesterday I finished workout A. I'm just loving how I'm doing moves I've never done before. I think I should have started on Sunday. Now I'm behind and I feel all over the place. I having a hard time balancing barre class, bbbc, & getting my runs in before the Coaster Run 5K I'm doing in March. At the same time I'm trying not to stress out too much about it since my face has decided to act like a 13 year old and breakout. My main focus for Best Body Boot Camp is to learn new exercises that I will incorporate into my future workouts. I used to hear my brother and all these different strength moves he was doing at the gym. Now I can say I do some moves too. BBBC gave me the push I need to start strength training. I think if it wasn't for BBBC I'd still be just be a cardio queen.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trader Joe's Strawberry Chia Smoothie

Trader Joe's Strawberry Chia Smoothie

Yesterday at Trade Joe's I stumpled upon Strawberry Chia Smoothie. Its $2.99 for a 16oz. Of course since I love strawberries the smoothie was delicous and you get the benfits of the chia seeds. Since I have a blendtec these days I don't buy premade juices or smoothies unless they are on sale or I have a coupon. Even on sale premade juice and smoothies can get costly. Also they tend to have alot of sugar even though some brands don't add sugar. I would definatley but it again, but on a ocasional basis.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Girl Scout Cookies

Why You Should Never Buy Girl Scout Cookies

I just read the article above. I do understand where the article is coming from especially since it's written by Diets in Review. Its great that they are informing people about what's really in the Girl Scout Cookies. It would be great if the Girl Scouts are selling healthier things, but I mean this is the girl scouts they are known for the cookies not carrots. Well maybe this article will change things and they might start selling healthier things like granola bars. As a former Girl Scout I'm still going to support the Scouts and get my cookies. I just eat girl scout cookies because they are delicious. If I wanted something healthy and delicious I'll go buy an apple.This article actually reminded me to go buy some cookies when they come out.

My Love for Bicher Museli aka Overnight Oats

That's a collage of my pictures of Bircher Museli. Yes I eat Bircher Museli (overnight oats) too much. Another reason why I can't really post pics of what I eat because 80% of the time its Bircher Muesli especially for breakfast. I have eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a snack. In the words of  Dr. Seuss's Sam-I-Am. "And I would eat them in a boat! And I would eat them with a goat. And I will eat them in the rain. And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And in a tree. They are so good so good you see!" Haha. I've only had it in the car, but if the power went out I guess I'd eat it in the dark. I'm so glad my brother introduced Bircher Museli to me. Before I ate Bircher Muesli I just ate typical breakfast food, but now I experiment more. Bircher Muesli introduced me to new things like greek yogurt, chia seeds, & flax seeds. It did take me a few times before I officially loved Bircher Muesli. I didn't like it at first, but once I figured out a version I liked I was hooked.

On another note I'm getting the hang of BBBC as were in the 2nd week. I especially love doing the Monday workouts when I watch the Biggest Loser. Very motivating.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

BBBC Week 1

I completed week 1 of Best Body Boot Camp. I've always read it about it on people's blogs, but so glad I joined. Doing the first week of BBBC made me realize that I need to get out of my comfort zone and try different things when it comes to fitness. I feel that all these years I've been just a gym rat. I just feel like I've just become one of those people dragging themselves to the gym and going through the motions. Not that I don't push myself at the gym, but after doing BBBC it kind of opened my eyes to other forms of exercise. I still love the gym, but I think its great to incorporate the different kinds of exercises that I'm learning in BBBC in my workouts. I used to be a cardio junkie. I knew I needed to incorporate weight training to see better results, but I would just try weights a few times and give up so easily. I've already seen great results since joining barre and have done exercises that I've never thought I could do. Now with BBBC I hope to see even more results and learn more exercises that can expand my mental fitness library. Even when BBBC is over I can't wait to incorporate weight exercises and the different toning exercises on a regular basis. I think the hard part was my goal of trying to sleep before 11. I think I should have made that midnight. I don't want to give up on that goal though. Even though many a time I'm up past midnight I think I can try to get to bed before 11. Well I failed today, but tomorrow is another day. In the words of Casey Jr. "I think I can". Haha.

On another note I also joined another DietBet by SarahFit. Third time should be a charm. I was close with the other two DietBets by SarahFit. This time hopefully I don't go losing my bet.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

BBBC Day 3

Oh boy Best Body Boot Camp day 3 is trying to test my balance . I started off a bit of a mess again because a had to re-watch a few of the videos during the workout. I got the hang of it by the start of the 3rd set. I should work on my balance more. It wasn't bad, but definitely shaky. I thought I would feel sore till tomorrow morning, but I'm staring to feel it now.
This morning I had an egg scramble with spinach, zucchini, mushrooms, and sausages. I love scrambling my eggs. It's faster and easier to cook than an omelette.
Is it me or does overnight oats make a great dinner. I guess overnight oats is great anytime.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

BBBC Day 1 & 2

After barre class last night I tackled the 1st day of the Best Body Boot Camp. At first I was getting nervous because I saw so many Facebook post about it, but after doing it was ok. I was all over the place since I didn't know all the moves so I had to have my phone next to me to Google. I think the more I do it the more I'll get used to it and the moves will be easier to remember. I love not that the plan is all laid out for us and we just have to do it.

Today I tackled the cardio section at the gym. I haven't been keeping up with running regularly so I was glad I made it to the gym. Strangest thing was that I woke up at 4:25am thinking that it was time to get up, but I went back to sleep until the alarm woke me up. I usually don't get up before the alarm unless I really think about it the night before. I did think about the gym last night though. I kept telling myself I have to wake up and go. Good thing because I have had times where I hit snooze and missed my morning workout.

Ok so I kinda went crazy at the market because Fage was on sale for $0.90. It was a special club card deal that I found. I'm not sure if its a special for everyone, but I have a feeling its a special tailored to me because they have record of me buying so much Greek yogurt. Score! I have never seen it that cheap before.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Happy 2013! I felt like 2012 was a great year and a stepping stone to an even better year. I competed in my first 5K with my brother and I discovered my barre addiction. Snake year should be great too. I hope. :)

For New Years I just chilled at home watching the ball drop. The next day I watched the Rose Parade. I love watching the Rose Parade. When I was younger I got to watch the Rose Parade in person a few times. Its nice to see it in person, but when your a kid and everyone is taller than you it gets a bit hard to see anything. Even if you have a step stool. Its better just watching it a home in PJ's where its warm. I wanted to go to the float viewing afterwards, but that just gets jam packed so that idea was nixed.

My Goals for 2013
  • Get to bed on time
  • Make better choices when I eat
  • Actually finish the scrapbook I started
  • Run on a continuous basis no matter the weather